Become a member
Membership is free for 2023/2024!
NOTE: If already joined as a member last year you do not need to reapply as your membership will simply roll over for 2023/2024.
Membership entitles you to play on the pitches with up to 3 guests.
Members are responsible for their guests whilst on the Cricket Club Grounds and when using the Petanque pitches.
Membership also give you the opportunity to join in the many social activities planned over the year. please visit the ‘Events Page’ for more information.
If you would like to join please first read the T&C’s on this link first , then follow the link below to complete your membership request.
‘Link to online form here’
Alternatively, If you cannot access the online form then you can
Either email us at: and we will forward you the membership form and related T&C’s, for you to complete and return via email.
Or Visit Ditchling Post Office and collect a ‘membership pack’ for completion and return .