about Us
How we started:
In 2021 a group of volunteers set out to create a Pétanque Piste partly as a reaction to the isolation and strains of coping with the pandemic and all that it brought to our lives. Through the generosity and support of many people in the village we have enjoyed the opportunity to create a pitch ( officially known as a “Piste”) at the St James Cricket Ground, Keymer Road. Our aim was to provide a venue for friends and family to enjoy pleasant afternoons and evenings in a beautiful location participating in friendly rivalry and social exchange whilst playing Pétanque.
We arrange games and events to suit all levels of players. Most of those who have played to date have had little or no experience of playing in any formal or organised club and have quickly become keen enthusiasts. To date we have enjoyed some pleasant afternoons and evenings with a visit to the White Horse on the way home. Even if you have never played the game before we want you to feel able to come along and join us in a relaxed and enjoyable activity.
Special thanks to:
The Team at St James Cricket Ground for creating the space and digging out an area for our Pétanque Pistes
W&S Building Company for supplying & delivering the infill needed for the base.
The White Horse – For sponsoring the first years ground rent
New World Tech – For sponsoring & building/hosting the new website
The volunteers who worked hard in their own time to get the area ready for play.
The many individuals who kindly donated money to get the rest of the materials needed to ensure the surface was ready for play!
Membership information:
We have agreed as a Club to make Free Membership for 2023/2024, we hope to continue this on an ongoing basis, to encourage people to play and keep administration to the minimum. In order to use the Pitches you will need to join as a Member of the Club.
Once a member you can book out the pitches & play with up to three friends/family and also join in ‘roll up and play sessions and social events that will be planned across the year. For more information on joining please visit our ‘Become a member’ page or click here.
Also, do keep an eye on our ‘Events’ page for news of upcoming events or click here
NOTE: If already joined as a member last year you do not need to reapply as your membership will simply roll over for 2023/2024
Please note that we are very grateful to the St James Montefiore Cricket Club for allowing us to use their grounds and we would expect our members to fully consider and understand that there may be times when cricket matches will restrict our use of the pitch. We will blank out relevant times from the booking diary, when playing is not possible, when we have been made aware by the Cricket Club.
The Cricket Club has agreed that Ditchling Petanque Members may use their toilet facilities when the club is open, so please be aware that the toilets may not necessarily be open when you have booked to play.